FFA偵察行動成功打擊非法作業由太平洋論壇漁業局(FFA)區域性漁業監查中心聯合密克羅尼西亞聯邦(FSM)、帛琉及美國共同執行的Rai Balang監測行動,於近日順利完成歷時10多天、跨越300萬平方公里海洋的巡航任務。偵察任務由來自FSM、帛琉、美國約100多人組成的太平洋巡邏艇、海岸巡防艦及飛機共同執行,並於監控205艘漁船中鎖定43艘,登檢6艘後查無非法作農地貸款業蹤跡。區域總部設於Honiara 的FFA區域性漁業監測中心,負責協調並蒐集與太平洋國家相關的資訊情報;並利用衛星追蹤漁船航跡及其他相關資料,製作出可以顯示區域中正在從事非法作業的漁船或過去有非法作業記錄之互動式地圖,以此地圖FFA可通知所有參與行動的國家可能發生不法作業地點,啟動太平洋島國聯結美國、法國、紐西蘭及澳洲區域性防禦隊打擊非法活房屋二胎動的最佳利器。FFA 局長Su’a N.F. Tanielu認為,行動成功的關鍵取決於主政者是否認同監控、管理及偵察作業嚴重關係著太平洋人民生計。澳洲、美國、紐西蘭及法國等夥伴的加入,強化了Rai Balang行動。FFA會員期待與該等夥伴齊力發展如Rai Balang行動般成功落實區域打擊違法、未受規範、無報告(IUU)漁業深具成效的策略及作為。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade 信用貸款News, No. 9/2010) SURVEILLANCE OPERATION RAI BALANG SHOWS SUCCESS IN DETERRING ILLEGAL FISHINGOperation Rai Balang, a surveillance operation involving Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Palau and the US, coordinatedby the Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) Regional Fisheries Surveillance Centre, ended recently.The survey over the 二胎past 10 days by Pacific patrol boats, Coast Guard vessels and aircraft covering approximately 3 000000 square kilometers of ocean found no sign of illegal fishing. Approximately 100 people were involved in thesurveillance effort from FSM, Palau and the US and 205 fishing vessels were monitored during the operation, 43 土地買賣weresighted and 6 boarded.This effort was co-ordinated by the FFA Regional Fisheries Surveillance Centre, at its regional headquarters in Honiarawhich collects fisheries information and data from all the regional countries in the Pacific. Using satellite tracking ofvessels and other data the FFA Regional Fisheries Surveillance 室內裝潢Centre produces interactive maps of vessels in the regionwhich can show vessels that might be engaging in illegal fishing or have a previous history of illegal fishing. With this,the FFA Regional Fisheries Surveillance Centre is able to advise all countries participating in an operation, locationswhere illegal activities are 土地買賣likely and coordinate the efforts of Pacific Islands and regional defence forces of US, France,New Zealand and Australia to best detect illegal activities.According to the FFA Director-General Su’a N.F. Tanielu, the operation’s success builds on the political support ofleaders who recognize the importance of monitoring, 烤肉食材control and surveillance of fishing to the livelihoods of Pacificpeople. Effort to deter and detect illegal fishing are strengthened by the involvement of surveillance partners in OperationRai Balang, Australia and the US, and the important contributions these countries and New Zealand and France make toother regional 土地買賣surveillance operations. Together with its partners, FFA members look forward to developing policy andprocedures that will build on successes like Operation Rai Balang to protect the region against illegal, unregulated andunreported fishing.

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